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Showing posts from July, 2015

Kashmir Diaries

“ If there is a paradise on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here.” These are the words inscribed in Persian on the black pavilion in the top terrace of Shalimar Bagh in Kashmir by famous Persian poet, Amir Khusrau. I can't agree better. Kashmir it is - the most beautiful place I have seen. When we set out on our Kashmir adventure from our home in bangalore – our first ever adventure together, we had two things on our must-do list -  1. See SNOW 2. Enjoy KASHMIRI cuisines Our first destination was the army camp where we stayed  with a cousin who was serving the armed forces in Srinagar. When we set foot in Srinagar at 12:30 in the afternoon, it seemed a little windy with slight drizzle. We were picked up from the airport by our guide, Farook. On the way, he gave us a glimpse of the next few days to come, and promised us a holiday which we will cherish. We began enjoying the climate, and within a matter of hours the temperature shoveled down accompa

Water-'lemon' Mint Cooler

It is scorching summer in Dubai and everyone is out to find ways to escape the heat. From being holed up at homes and offices to cooler recipes to bring down the heat. Watermelon is probably the best summer fruit. I remember the times when my mom used to serve us freshly cut watermelon when we were back from our evening games or when our father was back from his badminton games. Watermelon was the delicacy at our summer coaching camps as well. I was on the lookout for a new cooler recipe when my cousin suggested this combination which she constantly uses to beat the Delhi heat. As to the name of this cooler, my husband suggested it and I found it quite unique too:) There you are - The Water-'lemon' Mint Cooler: Ingredients Watermelon - 2 cups de-seeded and diced Cucumber - 1 cup diced Lemon - 1 small size Mint Leaves - 2 sprigs Sugar - 2 tsp Salt - 1/2 tsp Ice cubes Method Add the diced watermelon, cucumber and mint leaves into a juicer and blend

Dates and Walnut Loaf

It is Ramadan season. Festive display of dates and sweets made of dates fills the supermarkets in Dubai. So why not something made from dates for Iftar this season. This is my first attempt at making dates loaf and it was a colleague who suggested to add in the walnuts as well for the crunch.  Dates by itself is quite sweet and I wanted to make sure that the loaf does not become extra sweet by regulating the sugar content. Again, like my most recipes it is simple and quick. Here you are - Ingredients Dates - 3/4 cup de-seeded and chopped Milk - 3/4 cup All purpose flour - 1 and 1/2 cup Sugar - 4 tbsp Egg - 2 no.s Cinnamon powder - 1 tsp Baking powder - 1 tsp Salt - 1/2 tsp Vanilla essence - 1 tsp Walnuts - 1/2 cup Vegetable Oil - 1/2 cup  Honey - 2 tbsp Method Heat the milk with the chopped dates on medium flame for 5 minutes and let it rest. Sieve together the flour, baking powder,cinnamon powder, salt and keep aside. Break open the egg

Mangalore Fish Curry

Brahmavar - that is where I was brought up. A lovely place with even more lovelier people and amazing food. It is a small town along the Udupi coastline, 70 kms of Mangalore. No prizes for guessing my favorite Mangalorean meal. Boiled Rice and Fish Curry - That is definitely a marriage made in heaven:) Attend any weddings in the Mangalore region and you will realise that people are least bothered about the fish in the curry, all they need is the gravy for a sumptuous meal. My earliest memory, is the fish curry we constantly order at Hotel Ashraya - a restaurant in Brahmavar along the National Highway. Our favorite waiter at the restaurant told us that the flavour of the curry increases if it is kept over night and then served. My cooking experiments proved the same. Try making this curry with sardines, mackerel or even anchovy, it would taste as good! Flavors do not necessarily come from complicated recipes - you will know this once you read this recipe, try it