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Showing posts from January, 2018

Avalose Podi ||Cooking with family and friends - #6||

My sister was a picky eater. I have no choice but say 'was' because this time around when she came to Dubai I saw the 'pickiness' ( not too sure there is even a word as such) changing. It was not just her being picky but she hardly ate. Her favorite was chapati with chicken gravy ( she never touched the chicken in it though) So my Dad thought there is one easy girl to manage not much expenses on her food. This was until she grew up and then all she wanted to eat was non-veg food:) The hungriest time of the day was the gap between rushing from school at 4.30 pm ( read after throwing the shoes one under the cot and another under table, socks on the dining table and school bag on the sofa) and the play time which started at 5. We always rejected the option of left over morning puttu ( steamed rice cakes) for evening snack time. But our mother had her way. She would sprinkle a generous amount of sugar, mash in the bananas and feed us. That did taste out of the world - a d

Minced Chicken Pulav

When the rest of the world battles with Monday morning blues, we over here in the gulf battle the very same blues but on a Sunday instead ( Yeah, well our weekends are Friday and Saturday). I took quite a while to get used to this fact when we moved here from India. Even now I end up mixing the days - Friday for a Saturday and Saturday for a Sunday! Nevertheless The beginning of the week is hard and energy peaks as you move towards the next weekend. Alas, we are humans ! We know work is worship but nothing can take away those lazy weekends idling on a couch with family or those fun get together, shopping and more that can happen only on weekends. The theory that would apply to most of us for the beginning of the week is the one propagated by Newton - A body at rest tends to stay at rest unless and until acted upon by an external force which is why I had to drag myself out of bed this morning to Yoga class and post the class sit down to publish this post. Looks like I need a lot of

Ulli Vada/ Onion Vada

Wishing you all a very Blessed New Year! It is the 14th of the month and I hope you are still sticking to your resolutions that have a tendency to lose momentum as the month goes along! I have not made myself any strict resolutions but I hope to be better and do good more than I could in 2017. I have had a happy 2018 so far and I hope and pray that all of you did too:) Having said that, certain things do not seem to be changing in 2018! It took me 14 days to get a post out for new year and a long pending post which was shot last March along with the Crispy Sweet Corn  and was idling away in the drafts. It took a weekend get together were I made the ulli vada again that I got reminded of my pending post. So here we go with the post.  Its called Ulli Vada down south of India - it could be roughly translated as onion pakoda, onion fritter or onion bajji - depends on which part of the globe you are from! Some recipes call for the use of all purpose flour - I have used gram flour