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Showing posts from October, 2017

Fish Chilly with crushed peanuts

I am in India on vacation and I did crazily hope to see the rains. As luck would have it, rains were not so benevolent on me and decided to stay clear! The weather is definitely good but to witness rains would have simply been bliss. I still have time left and I hope to see the showers of blessings at some point. It is hard to be on vacation and stay off food!So I am busy eating, at the same time hoping that I do not add kilos on the scale! (All of us know how hard that is right!!) Anyways, here is a recipe to try. What makes it special is, as the name states the addition of ground peanuts!Try it to believe it! Ingredients Fish - 400 gms Onions - 3 finely chopped Garlic - 2 tbsp finely chopped Green chilly - 3 to 4 Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp Peanuts - a handful Soy Sauce -  2 tbsp Vinegar - 1 tbsp Salt to taste Vegetable oil To marinate Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp Pepper powder - 1 tsp Ginger- garlic paste - 1 tsp Soy Sauce- 1 tbsp Salt Method Cl

Besan Laddu

I am a proud Indian. I do not live in India now but that does not make me any lesser an Indian. It hurts me to see Indians fighting in the name of religion, state, caste and anything you can possibly think of. How better a country we would be once we start appreciating the uniqueness of the country. Where else can you find a country so diverse - just imagine the number of dance forms even within a state! The state of Kerala for example boasts of Mohiniyattam, Kathakalli, Ottam thullal, oppana, Thiruvathira, Marghamkali and many more to go. If this is the story of one state in India, summing up that of all states together will have dance forms that is beyond math I can do now! The festivals , the religions, languages, food, culture also follow the same swing. India is a country that defines the spirit of UNITY IN DIVERSITY! Let that not go waste due to the selfish intents of a handful who stand to gain. I am proud I belong to a country like this and our heritage is something that need

Fish Cutlet

Time flies by in Dubai - yet another winter is peaking over the horizon. I love winters. If only I could do away with the occasional flu that tends to interrupt the weekend outing plans. We are done with the first flu of the winter which I would like to call the 'change of season flu' that has so become ingrained in our lives for the past three years. Looking forward for a blissful few months that includes a vacation home and not to forget the impending festival season. On that note, we head over to the new recipe on the blog - Fish cutlet. The type of fish you choose is absolutely your choice - the lesser the bones the easier the task of mincing it. Cutlets can make your weekday dinner cooking a little easier. Just prep a batch over the weekend and freeze it! Here goes the recipe -  Ingredients Fish - 1 kg Potato - 2 medium sized Ginger - 1 tbsp grated Green chilli - 4 to 5 finely chopped Onion - 2 medium finely chopped Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp